Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday Wildlife

On April 15, a raucous clamor from our backyard drew my attention. It wasn't the taxman coming.  Instead, the racket was emanating from several species of birds upset about an intruder.  The unwelcome (to the regular inhabitants) visitor was a large barred owl (Strix varia).  It was perched in the large goldenraintree planted by Kathy years ago.  

After being harassed and occasionally dive-bombed by its tormentors for several minutes, the owl moved further up the tree.

Finally, it flew over to our neighbors' oak tree.  There, a white-winged dove (note the tail feathers to the left of the owl) expressed its displeasure by flapping its wings and making periodic passes close (but not too close) to this magnificent bird of prey.

Note:  Click on a photo to enlarge.

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