Although the stream flow had declined a lot since the previous weekend, the Guadalupe River was still running at 60 to 61 cfs on this Saturday. This was better than what we had been seeing most of the year. And it was enough to entice 21 paddlers in four canoes (probably the most of these elegant craft in quite a while) and 16 kayaks to make the trip from Sultenfuss Crossing (and the Bergheim high bridge), past the Edge Falls Road crossing, down to Guadalupe River State Park. Included were several nice folks I had not seen on the river before, and I unfortunately did not get all of their names.
As it turned out, the distance of about 7 miles was perhaps a little too long for this water level. But the first segment of this trip has always been one of my favorite stretches of river. The primary reasons: Rock Pile Rapid and Dogleg Rapid.
As it turned out, the distance of about 7 miles was perhaps a little too long for this water level. But the first segment of this trip has always been one of my favorite stretches of river. The primary reasons: Rock Pile Rapid and Dogleg Rapid.
Rock Pile Rapid
Julie picks the best route as David watches from below.
Russ' wife's kayak insisted on doing the same, and things looked a little desperate.
With water spilling over his deck, Miguel handles the rapid with aplomb.
Amy pretty much followed Joline's course, and here digs deep with her paddle.
Reiko got caught sideways at the top, but recovered well.
One of our newer paddlers, showed off by going through backwards.
Claire made it look easy. Note: Left click on any photo to enlarge.
As one Nancy did the same, ...
... another Nancy observed the show from an eddy.
Mike lost style points for using an illegal paddle push, ...
... but still finished high in the standings.
With everyone through the rapid safely, the group heads downriver, leaving Kathy to wait patiently for the photographer.
At our lunch stop just above the next named rapid, Mike searches for photo opportunities.
Dogleg Rapid
Susan took over the camera to take these shots of paddlers negotiating the drop at Dogleg Rapid.
An unknown family (little girl is hidden behind her mom) added some excitement.
Towards the end of the second leg (the stretch from Edge Falls Road to the park), we stopped for another rest and a refreshing dip in the river.
For 40 additional photos from this trip, click here to be transported to my Flickr page, then click on "Slideshow" in the upper right of that page. Do it now before you forget!
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