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Joline modeling her new line of fancy river gear, high heels and all. Thanks to Nancy for these two wonderful photos.

Jim (backwards), Miguel, Susan, and Mike lead the way.

Jim and Nancy savor the sunshine.

The paddlers, including Miguel below, portage at the second River Bend Road crossing.

Reiko entertains Joline and Nancy W., while Nancy G., Robert, and Kathy search for more food.

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Pursued by Mike, the uninvited guest "hightails" it back to its burrow.

Winter colors.

Robert looks confused. Has he somehow been transported to Arches National Park?

Reflections battle the shadows.

The paddlers remount their faithful steeds to challenge the noisy rapid next to their lunch stop.

Reiko follows the favored route, while ...

Miguel appears to be amused by Susan's use of the Vulcan mind meld on an uncooperative boulder, ...

An unusual look of accomplishment.

As the shadows lengthen, Miguel, Kathy, and Joline pause to view the last set of rapids.

Jim heads into the drop, while Reiko searches for divine assistance.

Nancy watches as Kathy works her way through the churning water.

Miguel and Mike look confident (for some unknown reason).

Is it The African Queen or On Golden Pond?
Nice action photos Henry. Keep the sun at your back.
Certainly a good idea, one that I need to pay more attention to. But not always possible with the low winter sun while sitting in a boat on the river.
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