Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sally Soccer

Just a few days after returning home from Colorado and New Mexico, Kathy and I made the journey north to Austin to visit the kids. The highlight was watching two of Sally's co-ed soccer teams play at Northeast Metro Park in Pflugerville.

Note: Left click on any photo to enlarge.

We caught just the end of the first game. Here Sally is involved in some action in front of the goal.

The second game was an end-of-season match for FNA, and had a kind of celebratory flair to it. Here Kathy holds one of the many posters made for the game. In this case, one of the few that could be pictured here.

Sally in action.

Sally and a teammate (in this case, another Alamo Heights graduate) take a water break. Hal and Carey, meanwhile, enjoyed some stronger beverages generously provided by the team and its fans.

Who knew that the beautiful game could be so painful?

Despite many opportunities, it seemed that neither team was going to score.

Evidence of rampant commercialism was everywhere.

Soccer is definitely a contact sport.

A teammate gets ready for takeoff.

Sally celebrates making the sole goal late in the game. FNA wins 1-0!

A raffle was held after the game. The grand prize was a ball signed by all of the players. Awesome!

The happy family poses after the game.

Note: For 75 additional photos of these games, click here to connect to my Flickr page, then click on "Slideshow."