The stretch of river from the Zoeller Lane crossing to the Sisterdale bridge is known as a good trip for beginners. However, it proved to be one of our more eventful recent outings. Of the ten experienced paddlers (in eight kayaks and two canoes), three ended up taking a swim, or at least filling their boats with the cold river water. Not a pleasant experience on a rather chilly day.
According to the Comfort and Spring Branch gauges, the river was running at about 175 cfs and 750 cfs, respectively. We guessed that the river flow at our location was somewhere around 300 cfs. A nice relief from the low water we had experienced during the past two years of drought conditions.
According to the Comfort and Spring Branch gauges, the river was running at about 175 cfs and 750 cfs, respectively. We guessed that the river flow at our location was somewhere around 300 cfs. A nice relief from the low water we had experienced during the past two years of drought conditions.
The Cast of Characters
Jim, ...
Susan, ...
Miguel, ...
the back of David, who is always an elusive target, ...
Tom, ...
... and yours truly.
Down the River
Ronnie and Dean display their faith in geology.
Sandra, our first casualty, heads into the brush to change into dry clothes. It is rumored that a rancher out for a walk now has a better appreciation for the river invaders.
Even on a gray day, there was some color.
Miguel and Tom power through the rapid.
Susan takes the upstream route past "Nancy Rock."
Jim splashes past.
Ronnie maneuvers expertly through the rapid in Jim's canoe.
I think Sandra was expecting heavy rains.
I walked back upstream for another run (photos by Miguel).
A local celebrity was uncharacteristically shy as Kathy joined us for dinner at Papa Nacho's Cantina.
Well, maybe not so shy.
Note: Left click on any photo to enlarge. And for another 33 photos from this adventure, click this link to my Flickr page, then click on "Slideshow."